Watching from outside the box for ITV

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I'm rapidly developing a serious case of TV addiction. In answer to some of these issues, Rob Farmer Director of Viewer Marketing | ITV plc requested my keynote for a working social media demonstration at ITV towers.

Historically, when broadcast television was viewed, audiences sat back, relaxed and embraced the warm glow of one screen.

Today, the viewing audience is remarkably fickle (more choice) and of the moment. They either want to control content for themselves, or meld content in such a way that it has (by social rights) become 'their's' as Tweets, Facebook posts etc. join together broadcast shows and a 'watched' experience. 

Just watch one episode of The Only Way is Essex (#Essex on Twitter for all you social media savvy folk) and experience the clever embedding of social media content with broadcast media. Clever. Addictive. And ever so Essex. But then I can say that, being born there myself and all.