The role of the Productive Consumer for Global Digital Enterprise

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This report was commissioned by HCL Technologies - a leading IT systems integrator and part of the $5.5bn group in India. Their main commercial application is in helping media, publishing and information services to transform their IT and to 'stay ahead of the journey to digital'.

Presenting at the London Olympia, I was a small part of this journey in December 2009.

The rub

We are getting used to the multiple channels and choices available to consumers as content is created and pushed around the inter-web. However, such co-created information is 'scary' for some and viewed as marketing opportunity by others. There is a perceived threat to the existing business models, whilst, at the same time, real opportunities to deliver new methods of advertising, engaging and (yes) even profiting with new business models.

Here I argue that the audience is your friend and environment at the Online Information 2009 is apt to discuss - "Digital Content Creates A Multiplatform Content Delivery Imperative".  My contribution to the roundtable session was to project something insightful (dare I add clever) and consider, how to be ‘Digitally Ready...